Friday, August 3, 2012


Driving from Nashville to Valdosta, GA might have been the most stressful portion of the drive. Mainly because driving in Atlanta is terrifying. I have never been on a highway that had 7-8 lanes in each direction. The speed limit is 55 mph, but everyone around me was going at least 70! So I not only had to juggle multiple lanes of merging, diverging traffic and maneuver myself to ensure I stayed heading towards the right freeway - but I also had to decide whether it was safer to avoid a speeding ticket or to stay with the flow of traffic. There were several speed traps set up, so I was glad I stayed close to the limit, but I didn't feel safe driving below 60! If I never have to drive through Atlanta again I will be a happy camper! 

The coolest part of driving through Atlanta was seeing the sculpture of the Olympic flame! 

When I got to Valdosta I high-tailed it to the local CrossFit gym. They gave really good directions on their website, which was helpful because the GPS on my phone was so confused! Haha -- Andriod, why you no have directions in Georgia?! However, my northwest past got the best of me and I almost missed the class! They tell you to look for a train overpass, so obviously I kept driving and driving looking for a train to pass over me. Finally I figured I had messed up and turned around. Eventually I realized I passed over some train tracks. Making a quick U-turn and passing back over the train tracks I made it just in time. It was so flat there was no way a train was going to be going over me - but A. I am very literal  and B. Your brain just expects things to be a certain way. I'm sure this won't be my first miscommunication based on my world view! 

CrossFit at Valdosta was intense

I'm surprised I didn't turn out like the clown!! We jogged to warm up and did some mobility together. The strength was also a group activity -- more front squats! I have done so many front squats and thrusters this week, I feel like an old pro. However, they mixed it up a bit. We racked up a heavy weight (85lbs for me), and at the coaches instructions we lifted the bars at the same time. Then she would say "Ready, squat!" and when the last person got to the bottom of their squat she would count as slow as humanly possible slowly to 3. After 3 we could stand up. We did that two more times for a set of three. Then we could rack the bar and take a 90 second break before doing it 4 more times. There were a lot of lifts where I was surprised to be standing with my weight at the top. I was sure I was going to drop it at some point, but somehow I made it through all 15 lifts! 

The WOD was pure torture. 

4 rounds for time of: 

6 chest-to-bar pull ups 
12 box jumps (Rx Women = 30 imches!) 
24 overhead squats (Rx women = 45)

I did not Rx the box jumps. I opted for 24 inches. Had to use a band to do the chest to bar, and even though I hated myself for it at the end I did the overhead squats at 45. 

The whole thing took 18 minutes at 47 seconds. I was so far behind everyone else - they are beasts down there! 

Everyone was really friendly and I felt encouraged by the cheers and support people gave me when I was finishing. 

I hobbled out of there, got some dinner and am now snug as a big back in my room watching the Olympics and getting ready to see my girl Ashley tomorrow in Ft. Lauderdale!! YOLO

xoxo Sweat&Sparkle  

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