Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Nice Snatch.

I got the best schwag ever last night! A pink shirt from Fit2Run. But clearly that isn't the best part. It's good, but check out the back!! 

How perfect is that?! A few of our runners work at Fit2Run and they come out to do events every so often. Last week these were being given out and I missed out : ( I was a bit obnoxious asking for my shirt was so excited to own this baby! I love it so much I slept in it. I'm not sure I ever want to wear another shirt again. Thank you Fit2Run for making my life complete! 


I went to CrossFit last night before run club. The workout was killer, but what else is new? Welp, our skill today was a modified EMOM (every minute on the minutes) of power snatches, hang squat snatches, power cleans, hang squat cleans and push press. I havent done a snatch in months.  And it's one of my weakest movements. I over think it every time, which often means I'm not explosive enough to get momentum behind the bar. 

{Yesterday might have been the first time someone has complimented my snatch.}

Seriously I was shocked. They felt terrible. I forgot how much my wrists hate overhead squats. I felt slow and weak. But I was lifting the same weight as the other women who came to the 4:30 class. It's a bit less than what I used to, but DUH. I need to get over that.

The WOD was interesting. It was a 12 minute ladder of 4 movements. So you do one of everything, then two, then three and so on for 12 minutes. At the end your score is the last number you completed for all four movements plus any reps you got in. 

It looked a bit like this
12 minute ladder 
Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 
Hand Release Push-ups 

My score was 7 + 16. So I got through doing seven of each movement and then did 8 KB swings and 8 Hand release push ups. The pistols were killer. We had to do one on the left and one on the right to equal one rep. After yesterdays squats and the skill my quads were dead. Not to mention I've always sucked at toes to bar. I was better at them yesterday than I've been in the past - but I still was so bad at them. How is it that I can do pull-ups but I can't get my toes to the bar? Just something else to add to my list of things to work on! 

I got to MacDintons early for Running for Brews. I stayed late at CrossFit to stretch and foam roll, but I was still super early. At least I had this bone-y fellow to keep me company!  

Like I said earlier the Fit2Run crew joined us last night. Aren't these shoes the coolest?! I literally just bought a pair this weekend from a certain discount shoe warehouse, not in these exact colors though! 

Luckily Fit2Run gives discount love to RunningforBrews members and TriBulls! So either way I think these need to be my next shoes -- can't you imagine me in Puerto Rico crossing the finish line of my 70.3 in those babies?! I might not be the fastest, but I'll be the brightest. 

Had to keep it pretty tame last night. My training calendar stares me in the face every day. Need to keep fueling myself to succeed and to get the most out of my training. So I didn't run for the beer last night. I ran for the BRUSSELS SPROUTS. 

{I had to look that up btdubs; I could have sworn they are brussel sprouts, but because of anticipatory coarticulation we only produce one /s/ between the /l/ and /pr/. So it sounds like the brussel is singular. False. Yep, just dropped some speech science on you all!}

These babies were delish. Steamed them a bit in a frying pan. Then added some pieces of chicken I cut up and marinated the night before. The marinade was a gluten-free balsamic based sauce. Served over quinoa and it was a delightful meal. Sorry no pictures - too hungry to stop and think about you all : ) Can't wait for left-overs at lunch today. 

I hope everyone has a good Hump Day! This week has been the longest of graduate school - so many projects to finish, tests to study for, clients to freak out about. Thanksgiving break can't come soon enough. I'm glad I'm staying here so I can truly take the long weekend to decompress. It's going to be necessary. 

What do people do down here for Thanksgiving anyways? Pick-up beach volleyball? I'm sure I'll let you all know.The holidays sure won't feel the same without wet leaves on the ground, fleece lined spandex, scarves and appel cider. 

Like I said - have a good one! 

xoxo Sweat&Sparkle 

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